Underfloor Heating Systems Ltd

Underfloor Heating Loop Patterns

For underfloor heating water there are three main types of underfloor heating loop configurations.  The type of configuration depends on the construction techniques and practices in different countries. In general when pipe layout plans are being formulated, attention should be paid to routing the supply flow to the external walls or other potentially cold areas, […]

Underfloor Heating Pressure Drop

The temperature of the water in the underfloor heating pipes is determined by the room temperature that must be achieved at a certain q-value.  This temperature is the mean water temperature. Underfloor heating systems are normally designed for a temperature drop across the pipe loop of 10 to 15 degree C.  A low temperature drop […]

Underfloor Heating Response Time

Different factors, all interrelated, affect the response time of an underfloor heating installation: 1. Climate conditions Climatic conditions vary in different parts of the world.  Water underfloor heating systems are designed to cope with the temperatures of the coldest months of the year.  This implies that the underfloor heating system is designed to work properly […]

Underfloor Heating Materials

When considering underfloor heating, it is important to be aware of everything that it entails. A standard underfloor heating quote from Underfloor Heating Systems would include; Multilayer pipe 16 x 2 mm – PEX/AL/PEX – Made by HENCO in Belgium, one of the largest mulitlayer manufacturer in the World. High quality Manifold(s) with flow regulators, on/off […]

Underfloor Heating Temperatures

Since 50 % of the comfort effect is a result of radiation, air temperatures can be little lower with warm water underfloor heating than with other heating methods.  As an example an air temperature of 19 degree C feels very comfortable with underfloor heating, i.e. 2 degree C lower than accepted norm with other heating […]

Why Use Underfloor Heating?

There are several reasons why underfloor heating can be more beneficial than conventional heating methods, and with times changing fast, it is now more accessible than ever. We look at a handful of benefits from installing underfloor heating in your home. The Floor is the Heater. Warm water is circulated through pipe loops laid under […]

Underfloor Heating Maintenance

The underfloor heating system is in principle maintenance free and designed to work for many years.  There are some checking points; 1. The pressure in the underfloor heating system should be checked now and then.  If necessary the underfloor heating system is refilled, which might be the case in the beginning of the winter season. […]

Underfloor Heating Manifolds Positions

Careful consideration should be given to the location of the underfloor heating manifolds at the inital stage of the project.  Underfloor Heating manifolds should be located as centrally as possible in the building so that the lenghts of the pipe routing between manifolds and the indiviudal heating zones is kept to a minimum.  This will help to […]

Warm Water Underfloor Heating

Passive self-regulation for underfloor heating Although underfloor heating systems are used in association with temperatures controls with different degrees of sophistication, the underfloor heating system provides its own passive self regulation. Floor temperatures are slightly higher then those of the room air. A rise in air temperature due to solar gain or increased occupancy means that […]

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